Wednesday, 9 December 2015

The Princess is here!

At 15.31 on Tuesday 13th October 2015 we finally welcomed our beautiful baby girl Ava into the world, weighing 9lb 3oz.
Eight weeks on, we are even more besotted with our little bundle and settling in well to our new role as parents (even if we do say so ourselves). These past few weeks have been the best (and fastest!) ever and she has completely enriched our lives. We can't wait to continue our journey with our little chunk and see what the future holds :)

Tuesday, 8 December 2015

Bumpkin: Weeks 36-42

One word: whoops! After weeks and weeks of being religious with my updates I let the blog fall by the wayside (again!). It is now December and baby is not only here, but has turned eight weeks today! I'm finally starting to get myself into a bit of a routine (touch wood) and have been bitten by the old blogging bug again. My goal is to keep up with this regularly throughout 2016 so let's get a head start from today!
Although pregnancy seems like such a long time ago, I thought it would be fitting to finish off my pregnancy diary before starting on baby and parenting posts. Expect an introduction to our little munchkin swiftly after this post :)
So I left my updates at week 35 and to be honest, there weren't any major changes after that so I've lumped the rest of my pregnancy into one. At my 34 week appointment the midwife wasn't sure if baby was breech, and by week 37 they still weren't sure... cue a trip to the hospital for a scan but munchkin was in fact in the right position, although nowhere near engaged sadly! By week 39 I'd had a massive growth spurt and jumped over two centiles on the chart which resulted in yet another scan to see if I'd need to be induced sooner rather than later. After lots of discussion the hospital decided that baby was approximately 8lbs, and so early induction wasn't necessary.
And that was it for a further two and a half weeks apart from a failed induction at 41 weeks. I was finally taken in to be induced on Sunday 11th October at 41+6. After three prostin pessaries over an eighteen hour period there was still no sign of labour or baby although by this point I was feeling SO uncomfortable and exhausted and my Braxton Hicks had become really intense. Thankfully I was then examined by the head consultant on the Tuesday morning and he told me that he was reluctant to try a fourth pessary (which the midwives were pushing for) as I was already more than two weeks overdue and he wanted to do a Caesarean instead, which I was more than happy to go ahead with.
Overall I can honestly say that I loved my pregnancy, and although the birth wasn't what I had planned, I wouldn't change it for the world. I had a wonderful C-section experience, and wouldn't hesitate to do it again.

Friday, 28 August 2015

Bumpkin: Week 35 Update

Friday 28/08/15


How far along? 35+4

Total weight gain: Just over two stone so far

Maternity clothes?  Thankfully I haven't needed any for the past week or so thanks to the lovely weather we've been having. Maxi dresses and sandals are so much more comfortable than wrestling a pair of jeans on! Long may it continue!

Stretch marks?  Oh about a million! I'm past caring now.

Sleep:  No problems :) I'm up a couple of times each night but have been managing to fall back to sleep really quickly afterwards.

Best moment this week: Getting the pram delivered!(We went for the Quinny Buzz Xplory). I can't wait to set it up and practice pushing it around the house :p I promised to wait for D to finish work so we could do it together though and I'm feeling mightily impatient!

Worst moment this week:  I can't say I've really had any this week. I did stupidly take on an extra shift for tomorrow though so probably the thought of having to get up early and drag myself off to work!
Miss anything?  Prawns, runny eggs, being able to bend down easily, actually feeling awake after 10hrs sleep and being able to walk further than the length of the driveway without being breathless!
Movement: Yep, and beginning to get quite sore at times. She's a strong'un!
Food cravings: Carbs, sweets and cake. Oops!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Acid reflux and light-headedness
Gender:  A girly!!! :D

Labour signs:  A few little niggles over the past couple of days and pressure in my pelvis but I'm trying (and failing) not to second guess everything.

Symptoms: Movement, pain in pelvis, acid reflux, boobs starting to get sore again, boobs leaking, breathlessness, fatigue.

Belly button in or out?  Half and half and extremely itchy!

Happy or moody most of the time?  Happy :)
Looking forward to: Setting up the pram! And my McDonalds dinner... shhh!

Tuesday, 25 August 2015

Bumpkin: Week 34 Update

Friday 21/08/15


How far along? 34+4

Total weight gain: Just over two stone so far

Maternity clothes?  Nothing maternity, but I have bought a few nursing tops from the Mothercare sale which are on their way. I'm keeping my eyes out for bargains because I don't want to spend loads in case I have trouble breastfeeding and it turns out to be a waste of money.

Stretch marks?  A couple have appeared around my belly button in the past week. Thought I had managed to escape them on my tummy but no luck!

Sleep:  Fine this week. Thankfully D's toothache has cleared so I'm only being disturbed by my own bladder now instead!

Best moment this week: Getting the nursery all finished! I've taken to sitting in the rocking chair to read my books for a while in the afternoon and I just love the cosy atmosphere in there :)

Worst moment this week:  I had a different midwife yesterday at my appointment who confirmed what I suspected- that Little Miss has gone breech before changing her mind not two minutes later and admitting that actually she wasn't sure what position baby was in and I'd be better checking with my usual midwife at my next appointment in three weeks time!
Miss anything?  Having the energy and motivation to get off my backside and do things!
Movement: Constantly! She has a mad half-hour every night when she seems to dance to D playing his guitar. I can't wait to see her reaction to it when she's here and whether she recognises it.
Food cravings: Anything and everything naughty!
Anything making you queasy or sick: I'm still suffering regularly with acid reflux, but have also been having bouts of nausea and light-headedness throughout the day. I had more blood taken this week to see if my iron levels have increased but if anything I think they've got worse and that's why I'm feeling this way.
Gender:  A girly!!! :D

Labour signs:  None

Symptoms: Movement, pain in pelvis, acid reflux, boobs starting to get sore again, boobs leaking, breathlessness, fatigue.

Belly button in or out?  Half and half!

Happy or moody most of the time?  Happy but bored now that the house is all sorted and I have nothing to keep me busy. I need to find a new project!
Looking forward to:  Being whisked off for a surprise date night tonight :)

Thursday, 20 August 2015

My Birth Plan

Now I'm in the final few weeks of my pregnancy (eek!), it's about time I settled on my wishes and preferences for the birth. Having never done this before, I obviously don't really know what to expect so I've tried to be pretty flexible with my plan, apart from a couple of things I'm adamant about, which are highlighted in red.

I must admit it took me quite a while to finalise my birth plan- I think I started thinking about it at around 27 weeks- because I wanted to make sure I fully researched things like pain relief and interventions and be sure I was making an informed decision, so I'd definitely recommend investing a bit of time in this task. Another tip is to try and keep it concise and easy to follow- mine is in bullet points under headings and fits on one side of A4- so that medical staff can see at a glance what you want.

So without further ado, here you go!

My Birth Plan

Birth Partner
- Boyfriend D- to be there at all times

- Fine for student midwives to observe and deal with me, but only under supervision

- Left alone with as few interruptions as possible
- Able to eat, drink and play own music

Positions for labour and birth
- Remain as upright and mobile as possible
- Keen to try birthing pool if available
- Open to positions for giving birth- whatever is comfortable at the time

Pain Relief
- None unless intervention is required
- Open to trying gas and air
- Will provide own TENS machine

Fetal Monitoring
- Intermittent unless medically necessary
- No speeding up labour artificially unless medically necessary

- Willing to have episiotomy but only after trying hot compress and perineal massage
- NO FORCEPS OR VENTOUSE- go to C-section if assistance is required

Third Stage
- Physiological
- Cord to be cut by boyfriend only after pulsing has stopped

Skin to Skin
- Immediately after birth and for as long as possible

- Breastfeed asap after birth
- Willing to give formula if there are any problems with breastfeeding

Vitamin K injection
- Baby to have vitamin  injection when required


And that's it! It seems like a lot of points but it is pretty straightforward once you get going, and although it's wise to do your research and have your hopes and preferences notes, at the end of the day as long as both you and baby are healthy afterwards that's all that matters!

Wednesday, 12 August 2015

Bumpkin: Week 33 Update

Wednesday 12/08/15
How far along? 33+2

Total weight gain: As of last week I weighed 11st 1lb, which is a total gain of approximately 2st. Eek!

Maternity clothes?  Nothing new, although I'm down to about three outfits which are on rotation at the moment. I'm hoping I can make do with these until the end because I'd rather save my money to treat myself to some new things after the birth.

Stretch marks?  I don't think there's any new ones, although I've been so tired I haven't really been paying attention to be honest.

Sleep:  Not good! I'm still up several times through the night with cramp/needing the toilet and unfortunately D has been suffering with toothache and he has also been up a few times in the night which then disturbs me too. I have been making the most of my free time and had quite a few naps recently- I may as well make the most of it while I can!

Best moment this week: D has had an extra day off work this week so we had a date day on Monday and went shopping, for dinner and to see Inside Out at the cinema (which was fab!). As we get closer to D-Day I'm beginning to appreciate the time we spend together just the two of us, and hopefully we can squeeze in a few more days like that before a certain little miss takes up all of our time!

Worst moment this week:  Being roughly pushed past at the till in the supermarket meaning bump got squished up against my trolley and gave me a bit of a fright. I actually stood up for myself though, which isn't like me, but I'm glad I did.
Miss anything?  Being able to bend easily! I dropped my car keys in the middle of a car park the other day and made a complete show of myself trying to retrieve them!
Movement: Yep, I seem to have a very active little munchkin in there :) I was woken up at the weekend by the biggest rolling sensation and I can now feel her at the opposite side of my tummy so I'm desperately hoping that she hasn't gone breech!

Food cravings: Chips and gravy, mash, roast dinners- anything stodgy and carb-y!

Anything making you queasy or sick: Acid reflux still

Gender:  A girly!!! :D

Labour signs:  None

Symptoms: Movement, pain in pelvis, acid reflux, boobs starting to get sore again, boobs leaking, breathlessness.

Belly button in or out?  It's now half popped, half flat and looks so peculiar!

Happy or moody most of the time?  Happy :) I'm still loving pottering around the house getting everything sorted and starting to feel more organised.
Looking forward to:  Hopefully finishing the nursery this weekend :) I'm also keen to go to my midwife appointment next week to check the position of the baby. Hopefully she's still head down and I'm just worrying for nothing.

Tuesday, 11 August 2015

My Second Trimester Essentials

I was very lucky in that my second trimester pretty much mimicked my first and was fairly smooth-sailing.  The second trimester is usually the favourite of many- myself included as I had so much more energy and was visibly pregnant, but not so pregnant that I felt restricted and of course started to feel little bubs move!
Below are the items I relied on during weeks 13-27 in order to make my pregnancy a bit more comfortable and enjoyable.

These appeared in my first-tri essentials as they're obviously extremely important, and I've continued to use the Pregnacare tabets throughout the rest of my pregnancy. As I said before, these are massive , so if you have a problem swallowing tablets it might be better to look for a smaller alternative.

Maternity Jeans
I struggled in my usual jeans until I was 23 weeks because I couldn't find a reasonably priced but nice pair of maternity jeans. My
mistake was only beginning to look as I started to need them, so be wise and start searching as soon as you hit the second tri so you can make the most of them! I found these in New Look (who have been the most useful in maternity wear in general)- the blue were £12.99 and the black £18.99 and I have no complaints- great fit, comfy bump band and wash well.


Maternity Pillows
Another item I wish I had bought earlier! From about 18 weeks I had trouble sleeping and would wake up several times in the night feeling uncomfortable. I also kept waking up on my back, which isn't advised during pregnancy, but was my go-to sleep position beforehand. I bought the BabyStart Mum to Be Pillow set from Argos (£15.99), which includes a wedge and a v-shaped pillow. Sure, they're not as pretty looking as the more expensive ones, but if you're on a budget/ unsure if they'll actually benefit you then I'd definitely recommend trying these first. I use the wedge to stop myself from rolling completely onto my back and the other to cuddle as a support to my bump and legs, or to prop myself up in the night so I'm on my back but not lying flat. I can also use the v-shaped pillow for feeding once Baby is here, so great value overall!

Bump Butter/Oil
Looking back, this should have really gone into my first tri essentials as I do have quite a few stretch marks- a combination of being starting to use this too late and sometimes being lazy with application! I've favoured the nSpa Mum to Be range throughout my pregnancy, and have written a thorough review which you can view here.

Massage Oil/Cone
The aches and pains started to creep in during my second trimester, so I regularly blackmailed the Daddy-to-be into giving me regular massages! The From Dusk til Dawn massage cone from Lush is our favourite- it has a gorgeous citrus scent, the point gives a deep massage and because it starts off solid, it's much less messy. I actually have a brand-new, extra pointy one in my hospital bag for use during labour!

Non-wired bras
As I said in my first trimester essentials, underwired bras are the work of the devil and have continued to be throughout my whole pregnancy.

A Diary
Start writing everything down or else you WILL forget something!


 Floss/interdental brushes
During second tri my gums became so painful and inflamed and be niggling constantly. I really had to be vigilant with my cleaning to stop this.

What are your second trimester essentials?


Monday, 10 August 2015

Bumpkin: Week 32 Update

Friday 07/08/15

How far along? 32+4

Total weight gain: Two stone- whoops!. I finally weighed myself this week and I'm sitting at 11st 1lb. Everyone always tells me I'm all bump though, so hopefully it will come off quickly.

Maternity clothes?  A couple of long vests from Primark just to layer under my tops as the bump seems to be making everything ride up!

Stretch marks?  No new ones

Sleep:  Not too bad this week but I'm being woken up quite frequently with cramp in my legs which I have to get up and walk off

Best moment this week: Getting the nursery furniture delivered and starting to build it! We've done the crib, the cot and the wardrobe so far and they're all in their place. The room is starting to look very pretty and baby-like and I can't resist popping my head in to look at it whenever I go upstairs!

Worst moment this week:  The constant acid reflux. I'm never far from my packet of Rennies!
Miss anything?  Not this week
Movement: Yes, not so much in the form of kicks now but constant rolling around. It feels like a washing machine in there!

Food cravings: Lyle's golden syrup cake

Anything making you queasy or sick: The acid reflux

Gender:  A girly!!! :D

Labour signs:  None

Symptoms: Movement, Braxton Hicks, pain in pelvis, acid reflux, boobs starting to get sore again

Belly button in or out?  Lying flat still

Happy or moody most of the time?  Happy! I'm thoroughly enjoying being off work and pottering around the house getting everything ready!
Looking forward to:  This weekend- D has Monday off so we have a long weekend together :)

Bumpkin: Week 31 Update

Thursday 30/07/15
How far along? 31 weeks and 3 days

Total weight gain: No idea!

Maternity clothes?  Nothing new this week

Stretch marks?  No new ones

Sleep:  Terrible! The pain in my groin is making it impossible to roll over in my sleep so I'm waking up each time I need to move. Then I'll wake up with cramp in the leg of the side I'm lying on and have to move again. I've also been up through the night with Braxton Hicks and heartburn

Best moment this week: Knowing that this is my last week at work! I'll still be doing the odd shift for the next few weeks, but it's relief knowing that it will be on my terms, and I don't have to book anything in if I'm not feeling up to it. I've also finished my hospital bag list, so I'm feeling much more prepared.
Worst moment this week:  It's becoming much harder to walk about all day at work with the pain in my pelvis. I had another midwife appointment yesterday and bump is measuring 30cm, but has grown 3cm in the last three weeks which is perfect so she's willing to leave it and review next time before sending me for a growth scan.

Miss anything?  Sleep!
Movement: Yes!! :D

Food cravings: Nothing. I have no appetite again

Anything making you queasy or sick: My bloods came back saying I was anaemic, so I've been put on iron tablets and unfortunately these are making me quite nauseous

Gender:  A girly!!! :D

Labour signs:  None

Symptoms: Movement, Braxton Hicks, pain in pelvis, nosebleeds, inflamed gums

Belly button in or out?  Lying flat still

Happy or moody most of the time?  Just fine. Happy at home, but struggling now at work. Obviously you have to put a brave face on though!

Looking forward to:  Finishing up tomorrow!

Saturday, 8 August 2015

Bumpkin: Week 30 Update

Monday 20/07/15

How far along? 30 weeks

Total weight gain: Somewhere between 1.5 and 2st. I'd imagine I'll total around 2.5st by the end

Maternity clothes?  This grey wrap dress from eBay for a wedding this weekend. I wish I'd discovered the seller a bit earlier on so I could have bought a couple of colours for work/other nights out. For £10.99 you can't go wrong, and I'd definitely recommend (seller: topwomanstore)

Stretch marks?  No new ones :)

Sleep:  Becoming more difficult as bubs has moved down and is pressing on a nerve in my groin/top of my leg. This is making it difficult to walk through the day and roll over/get up for the toilet in the night

Best moment this week: Bubs having a dance every time Daddy starts to play songs on his guitar :) he is trying to learn some lullabies and hopefully she will respond to them in the outside world too :)
Worst moment this week: Putting my back out. I crawled around the other night painting the skirting in the baby's room because I was in a crazy nesting 'everything has to be done immediately' mood instead of just waiting for my boyfriend to do it the next day. This then meant I woke up needing the bathroom at about 1am but couldn't actually get up to goso I had to call D to come home from a night out to help me. Needless to say, I was in the bad books!

Miss anything?  Prawns, paté, runny eggs
Movement: Constantly!
Food cravings: Soft ice-cream. I've finally gone off skittles, which I think my teeth will be very grateful of!

Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope

Gender:  A girly!!! :D

Labour signs:  None

Symptoms: Movement, nosebleeds, heartburn, wind, nerve pain in groin, tiredness

Belly button in or out?  Flat again

Happy or moody most of the time?  A bit up and down this week. I'm feeling unprepared which is then making me anxious. I just can't wait to get the furniture delivered and built so I can then wash all of her clothes and get everything in its place. I also need to get a move on with my hospital bags, but I've been doing 60hr weeks at work so I just haven't had time. Two working weeks to go!

Looking forward to:  Finishing work!

Bumpkin: Week 29 Update

Monday 13/07/15
How far along? 29 weeks

Total weight gain: I'm now 10st 8lbs, so roughly 1st 9lbs since the beginning

Maternity clothes? Nothing new, although my tops are starting to ride up and I feel like there will soon be a strip of belly on show so I think I'll need to go shopping soon

Stretch marks?  Another couple of my hips/ thighs. I've been really lazy recently with stretch mark oil and have only been putting it on my bump so I suppose I've only got myself to blame!

Sleep:  Loving it! A couple of 15hr stretches this weekend has left me feeling very rested and content :)

Best moment this week: Hearing bubs' heartbeat at my midwife appointment. Also having the weekend off and not filled with plans for the first time in ages, allowing D and I to be lazy, rest and spend some quality time together.
Worst moment this week:  None really. My bump is measuring 27cm, so is roughly a week behind, but I'm assured it's nothing to worry about. At our 4D scan last week the sonographer estimated bubs to be about 2.5lbs which was slightly more than average so I'm not going to stress myself. If it's still behind at my next appointment I'll be sent for a growth scan, so we'll just have to wait and see.

Miss anything?  Paté
Movement: Yes!! :D

Food cravings: Nachos and skittles

Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope

Gender:  A girly!!! :D

Labour signs:  None

Symptoms: Movement, breathlessness, nosebleeds, bleeding gums, heartburn. My bump seems to have dropped a bit, so the pain is finally gone from my ribs, which is a very welcome relief!

Belly button in or out?  Flat when I'm standing, but seems to go concave and back in if I sit down

Happy or moody most of the time?  I've been a moody bum this week. I'm still at my regular job but have been taking on extra weekend shifts outwith this to save up a little nest-egg for my maternity leave so I'm knackered! Only three full weeks to go though!
Looking forward to:  Having the carpet put down in the nursery so we can start putting things in there and bringing the room together!

Bumpkin: Week 28 Update

Monday 06/07/15

How far along? 28 weeks

Total weight gain: Oh who knows!

Maternity clothes?  Nothing new, but I did borrow a gorgeous red maternity maxi dress from a friend for a wedding we went to yesterday and I felt great in it

Stretch marks?  No new ones :)

Sleep:  Loving it again

Best moment this week: Starting to paint the nursery pink after confirming that bubs is a girl at the scan last week
Worst moment this week:  The 'buffet' at the wedding consisting of half (yes half!) a bacon roll each. We'd had such a busy day, and hadn't had time to have a proper dinner before we went, which was so typical! Even the groom was fuming!
Miss anything?  For the first time during this pregnancy I'm starting to miss alcohol. I'm the kind of person that needs a bit of a drink in me to dance, so I felt really self-conscious and out of place at the wedding
Movement: Lots of kicks as usual, and also some rolling sensations which you can see as a wave across my tummy

Food cravings: Soft ice-cream (McFlurry type), skittles, salad cream

Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope

Gender:  A girly!!! :D

Labour signs:  None

Symptoms: Movement, breathlessness, nosebleeds, bleeding gums, trapped wind, heartburn, headaches

Belly button in or out?  Started to go back in? Very strange!

Happy or moody most of the time?  Happy but tired

Looking forward to:  My midwife appointment on Wednesday

Friday, 7 August 2015

Bumpkin: Week 27 Update

Monday 29/06/15

How far along? 27 weeks

Weight gain: Urgh I dread to think!
Maternity clothes?  Nothing new

Stretch marks?  No new ones thankfully

Sleep:  Fine, but I can't wait to have some time off this weekend to have a couple of long lies. Although sods law I'll probably be awake at the crack of dawn on those days

Best moment this week: Our magical 4D scan! Bubs is most definitely a girl and looks like her Daddy but with Mummy's pouty lips! She has little tufts of hair, chubby little hands and a teeny button nose! The detail in these scans is amazing- you can see everything right down to the fingernails. I'd definitely recommend, and I wouldn't hesitate to go again with our next pregnancy. For anyone in the Glasgow area, we went to Babyscanning  on Ingram Street and paid £89 for a half-hour scan which included six A4 prints and a DVD, which I can't wait to show her when she's older!
Worst moment this week:  Slipping down the stairs. We have wooden stairs in the house, and this isn't the first time it's happened whilst I've been pregnant (though typically never before)! Fortunately I've managed to catch myself both times, but it gives me a fright. Something will have to be done with them before the baby is born, I can't risk slipping with her in my arms!

Miss anything?  Nothing this week
Movement: Loads! I love it, and think I'll really miss it afterwards

Food cravings: Skittles. I've gone through two big bags this week. Oops!

Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope

Gender:  A girly!!! :D

Labour signs:  None

Symptoms: Movement, breathlessness, nosebleeds, pain under my right rib, heartburn, trapped wind
Belly button in or out?  Flat

Happy or moody most of the time?  Very happy this week! I have the scan pictures saved on my phone to have a wee peek at whenever I'm down and it cheers me up right away!

Looking forward to:  A friend's wedding at the weekend. I feel I haven't been out in ages, so it will be nice to get dolled up and socialise for a bit!

Bumpkin: Week 26 Update

Wednesday 24/06/15

Whoops same outfit as last week.. you can tell I'm running out of work clothes now!
 How far along? 26 weeks and 2 days

Total weight gain: I haven't weighed myself this week... I think I'll just bury my head in the sand for the remainder of my pregnancy as I've already gained the expected amount and I've still got another 14 weeks to go!

Maternity clothes?  Nothing new... I'm just going to make do with what I have for as long as possible and save my money for a nice post-pregnancy spree!

Stretch marks?  A few more on my thighs/bum... it must be expanding rapidly! :/

Sleep:  Fine, apart from waking through the night with heartburn a couple of times this week
Best moment this week: Deciding when to start my maternity leave :) I'll be finishing up at 32 weeks and using up four weeks holiday before my maternity kicks in at 36 weeks. It's so good to finally have a set date to count down to :)
Worst moment this week:  Having to get up and do a 12hr shift after being up for hours through the night with heartburn
Miss anything?  Runny eggs.. surprise surprise
Movement: Yes!! :D

Food cravings: French toast and skittles

Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope

Gender:  A girly!!! :D

Labour signs:  None

Symptoms: Movement, breathlessness, nosebleeds, bleeding gums, heartburn

Belly button in or out?  It's lying completely flat at the moment.. won't be long before it pops out!

Happy or moody most of the time?  Fine, but pretty tired this week so I'll admit I've probably been quite snappy!

Looking forward to:  Our 4D scan on Sunday! We've been counting down to this for weeks!

Tuesday, 4 August 2015

Bumpkin: Week 25 Update

Monday 15/06/15

How far along? 25 weeks

Total weight gain: I'm up to 10st 7lbs, which I think is about a 1.5st gain since the beginning

Maternity clothes?  Nothing 'maternity' but I have bought a few plain tops from Primark which I'll just accessorise with a statement necklace and blazer and that should do me for a while

Stretch marks?  A couple of new ones on my bum of all places! Bizarre, as I'm still in the same sized jeans as before, I must just be filling them more!

Sleep:  Soooo much better this week! Glad to have my own bed back and my amazing maternity pillows
Best moment this week: Making our first gender-specific purchase: a fluffy white snowsuit with teeny little roses for coming home from hospital :)
Worst moment this week:  Working six days in a row and my feet becoming so sore by the end I had to hobble the ten minutes to the subway

Miss anything?  Not really- I've gone off food again
Movement: Yes!! :D

Food cravings: None this week

Anything making you queasy or sick: The thought of food in general. I hope this passes soon- it's not like me at all!

Gender:  A girly!!! :D

Labour signs:  None

Symptoms: Movement, breathlessness, nosebleeds, nausea, pain under my right rib, stretch marks

Belly button in or out?  Still in but getting flatter!

Happy or moody most of the time?  Neither up or down

Looking forward to:  Going to choose the paint for the nursery next week! I can't wait to get started and get the room all sorted!

Bumpkin: Week 24 Update

Tuesday 09/06/15

How far along? 24 weeks and 1 day. Viable at last! :)

Total weight gain: I haven't weighed myself this week but I dread to think how much I've gained whilst I've been on holiday!

Maternity clothes?  Nothing new since we've been away

Stretch marks?  No new ones, and the ones on my leg have started to fade slightly due to the sun :) judging by the weather back in Scotland this won't be continuing though!

Sleep:  Awful! The beds on holiday are never the same are they?
Best moment this week: D being able to feel the baby kicking! :)
Worst moment this week:  Discomfort due to lack of sleep
Miss anything?  I always miss mashed potato and Warburton's bread (not together!) when I'm on holiday and this year was no different
Movement: Yes!! :D

Food cravings: Lamb and Fanta orange
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope, touch wood!

Gender:  A girly!!! :D

Labour signs:  None

Symptoms: Movement, breathlessness, nosebleeds, bleeding gums, pain under my ribs- I reckon there is a little body part wedged in there!
Belly button in or out?  Still in

Happy or moody most of the time?  Happy... we've had such a wonderful week. Do I really need to go back to work tomorrow?

Looking forward to:  Starting to buy girly things now that our holiday is over-I've been on a ban until this point!

Bumpkin: Week 23 Update

Sunday 31/05/15

How far along? 22+6. I'm writing this a little in advance as we are off on holiday today and I don't know what the internet situation will be

Total weight gain: Two pounds in the last week. I'm now 10st 4lbs

Maternity clothes?  I have FINALLY managed to find some maternity jeans that fit well and don't break the bank from New Look. I got the dark blue ones, but will be going back for a black pair after my holiday and hopefully those will do me until the end

Stretch marks?  No new ones :)

Sleep:  I bought some  cheap maternity pillows from Argos and I thoroughly recommend them! I have been so comfy and undisturbed all week which has made a huge difference! I just wish I'd bought them earlier instead of putting it off again and again

Best moment this week: Finishing up work for our holiday :)
Worst moment this week:  I can't think of anything... smooth sailing this week

Miss anything?  The usual... prawns and runny eggs
Movement: Lots and lots! Loving it!

Food cravings: Lamb! Very unusual for me, lamb isn't something we have regularly but I can't get enough at the moment

Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope

Gender:  A girly!!! :D

Labour signs:  None

Symptoms: Movement, breathlessness, nosebleeds, bleeding gums, trapped wind

Belly button in or out?  Still in

Happy or moody most of the time?  I'm a happy chappy at the moment!

Looking forward to:  A week of relaxing in the sun with my lovely boyfriend!