Thursday 21/05/15
How far along? 21 weeks and 3 days! I can't believe we're over the halfway mark. It's beginning to feel very close and very real now!
Total weight gain: Another few pounds since my last update- I'm now 10st 2lbs, so I've gained just over a stone in total.
Maternity clothes? Still no jeans! I did get a lovely maternity maxi dress from Mothercare though which will be good for both smart and casual days. I just have to keep my fingers crossed it doesn't pour with rain all summer so I can actually get it on!
Stretch marks? No new ones, but the ones on my thighs are looking as angry as ever. My boobs seem to be fading though, woohoo!
Sleep: Hampered by strange, vivid dreams lately!
Best moment this week: Attending our 21-week scan and being reassured everything is ok with little bubs. We also found out the sex and we are thrilled! We didn't have a preference either way, and obviously we loved it all along, but finding out the sex has really helped us form a strong bond, and even though we've only known a couple of days, our feelings are so much stronger.
Worst moment this week: Not feeling the baby move for days during week 20. I'm one of those people who automatically thinks the worst so I was getting myself in a bit of a panic. Everyone kept telling me I was still early in the window to have been feeling anything at all, which is exactly what I'd have told someone else if it was them, but you always think differently when it's yourself don't you? D managed to get it to move by putting his FREEZING hands on my tummy, and since then it's been dancing regularly :)
Miss anything? Italian BMTs from Subway. I had to order a boring turkey sub the other day, which I very much grudged!
Movement: Yes!! :D
Food cravings: Greggs chicken mayo baguettes
Anything making you queasy or sick: Not for the past couple of weeks
Gender: Finally we know! We are telling family this weekend so I will reveal on here next week!
Labour signs: None
Symptoms: Movement, breathlessness, nosebleeds, bleeding gums, trapped wind
Belly button in or out? Still in
Happy or moody most of the time? So so happy, especially since our scan!