Saturday, 23 May 2015

Bumpkin: Week 20 & 21 Update

Thursday 21/05/15
How far along? 21 weeks and 3 days! I can't believe we're over the halfway mark. It's beginning to feel very close and very real now!

Total weight gain: Another few pounds since my last update- I'm now 10st 2lbs, so I've gained just over a stone in total.

Maternity clothes?  Still no jeans! I did get a lovely maternity maxi dress from Mothercare though which will be good for both smart and casual days. I just have to keep my fingers crossed it doesn't pour with rain all summer so I can actually get it on!

Stretch marks?  No new ones, but the ones on my thighs are looking as angry as ever. My boobs seem to be fading though, woohoo!

Sleep:  Hampered by strange, vivid dreams lately!

Best moment this week: Attending our 21-week scan and being reassured everything is ok with little bubs. We also found out the sex and we are thrilled! We didn't have a preference either way, and obviously we loved it all along, but finding out the sex has really helped us form a strong bond, and even though we've only known a couple of days, our feelings are so much stronger.

Worst moment this week:  Not feeling the baby move for days during week 20. I'm one of those people who automatically thinks the worst so I was getting myself in a bit of a panic. Everyone kept telling me I was still early in the window to have been feeling anything at all, which is exactly what I'd have told someone else if it was them, but you always think differently when it's yourself don't you? D managed to get it to move by putting his FREEZING hands on my tummy, and since then it's been dancing regularly :)

Miss anything?  Italian BMTs from Subway. I had to order a boring turkey sub the other day, which I very much grudged!

Movement: Yes!! :D

Food cravings: Greggs chicken mayo baguettes

Anything making you queasy or sick: Not for the past couple of weeks

Gender:  Finally we know! We are telling family this weekend so I will reveal on here next week!

Labour signs:  None

Symptoms: Movement, breathlessness, nosebleeds, bleeding gums, trapped wind

Belly button in or out?  Still in

Happy or moody most of the time?  So so happy, especially since our scan!

Looking forward to:  Telling the family whether we're Team Pink or Blue!


Wednesday, 6 May 2015

The NSpa Mum to Be Range: First Impressions

Warding off stretch marks seems to be a mightily expensive business, with most products specific for pregnancy ranging anything from £10 to £25 or even higher. At a time when your purse strings are being stretched to the max with the million and one baby things you need to buy, shelling out for nine months worth of lotions and potions tends to bring on the mum guilt. For the first sixteen weeks I used the Palmer's Cocoa Butter Skin Therapy Oil (£9.99 for 150ml) which seems to have done the job preventing stretch marks on my tummy but- controversial opinion coming up- I really hate the chocolatey smell.

So I was chuffed to come across the nspa Mum to Be range at Asda, which usually retails for £4-10 but is included in the current Baby and Toddler Event, so I got each of my products for a mere £3 each! The range includes bump butter, stretch mark oil, nipple balm, bust firming cream, bath and shower crème and a cooling leg and foot gel. I noticed that the bump butter had been voted best new mum/maternity skincare product in the 2014 Mother and Baby awards and for £3 you can't really argue with that, so I picked it up along with the oil and the bust firming cream to try. Here are my thoughts after using them for the past week or so...

Nourishing Stretch Mark Oil (£6/150ml)
This 'luxurious blend of rosehip, jojoba and almond oil' is my favourite product so far, mainly because it smells so much better than the Palmers oil! The scent is so light and fresh, almost floral but with some definite citrus notes and not overpowering at all. One of the things I've hated about oils in the past is the greasy feeling while it's absorbing, and I usually have to wear gloves to apply them because I can't stand the feeling in between my fingers! This one seems to be the complete opposite, it absorbs so much faster and I can get dressed straight after applying without worrying it will seep through my clothes. I can also apply this without gloves or having to scrub my hands afterwards, which earns major points in my book!

Moisturising Bump Butter (£6/200ml)

The formulation of this encompasses everything I love in a body butter: thick but melts into the skin and feels ultra moisturising. Like the oil, this also contains rosehip oil and vitamin E but has a shea butter base, so the scent is more typical of that, although there are similarities between the two. At first I applied this morning and night, but unfortunately this brought me out in a rash. However, I think this was because it wasn't being absorbed before I got dressed into my horrid synthetic work top in the morning, which was then causing the irritation. I now just slather a thick layer on at night before putting on my pyjamas and letting it sink in and there haven't been any more problems.

Firming Bust Cream (£5/100ml)
To be honest, I don't really have much of an opinion on this yet. I picked it up on a whim, but it's probably not something I really need. Apart from some stretch marks from not applying anything until fourteen weeks (I stupidly thought I wouldn't have to worry about stretch marks on my chest!), my boobs haven't suffered any other effects of pregnancy. This will probably come in handier later on in my pregnancy when everything starts heading south! Like the bump butter, this contains shea butter, rosehip oil and vitamins B and E, but is much more like a lotion in consistency. The addition of spirulina (a seaweed extract) promises to tone and firm the skin, and also promises a noticeable difference in the arms and thighs.

Overall, I've been won over by the Mum to Be range, and will be continuing to use the stretch mark oil and bump butter throughout the rest of my pregnancy. For the price you really can't go wrong, and the packaging looks lovely sitting out on your dressing table. Obviously I can't comment on their effectiveness at reducing/ preventing stretch marks, but my first impressions are certainly good. I'll report back with an update in a couple of months. Fingers crossed!

What products did you find effective at preventing stretch marks during pregnancy?

Monday, 4 May 2015

Bumpkin: Week 19 Update

Monday 04/05/15

How far along? 19 weeks

Total weight gain: Nothing since last week so I'm still 9st 11lbs and I started off at around 9st.

Maternity clothes?  I've been on the search for jeans in every shop imaginable with no success. I think I'll just have to have to bite the bullet and order some online. I did buy this dress from the New Look today though which I think will be quite versatile. Fingers crossed for some nice weather to get it on!

Stretch marks?  Another couple on the inside of my thigh. Grr!

Sleep:  Relishing every minute!

Best moment this week: D speaking to my stomach and Baby starting to move in response! I just can't wait for him to start feeling it soon!

Worst moment this week:  Letting others get me down over silly things and letting them upset me. I'm terrible for standing up for myself anyway, but since becoming pregnant I can't seem to just let things go over my head, they seem to really affect me.

Miss anything?  It's been really nice in the evenings lately, and I've been missing a cheeky wee cocktail in the sun. I need to start experimenting with some mocktail recipes for the summer!

Movement: Yes!! :D

Food cravings: Nothing this week, I've been as hungry as ever but have actually gone off food. Nothing seems to take my fancy.

Anything making you queasy or sick:  Not this week :)
Gender:  Not known

Labour signs:  None

Symptoms: The odd movement, tender breasts, new stretch marks, breathlessness

Belly button in or out?  Still in

Happy or moody most of the time?  Happy most of the time, but I've had my moments!

Looking forward to:  Movement become more pronounced/regular



Friday, 1 May 2015

Little Loves: PJs, Lemons and Sunshine


I see so many bloggers joining in with ButWhyMummyWhy's #LittleLoves post every Friday and always really enjoying reading through them, so thought I'd wade in with my two cents worth as well!

Leaving Time by Jodi Picoult. This is a mystery about a young girl trying to track down her mother who went missing ten years ago. One of those that grips you and you can't put down! Jodi is my favourite author by far, I highly recommend her books.


I've been forced to watch the Fast and Furious films recently in preparation for seeing the 7th one at the cinema soon. The latest was no.6, and as much as I hate to admit it, I am secretly enjoying them :p


Pyjamas bottoms at every opportunity! I really must find the perfect pair of maternity jeans asap!

I've had Sam Smith's 'In the Lonely Hour' on repeat in the car all week. It's the perfect music to sing your heart out to on the daily commute, I love it.


Lemon drizzle cake as my contribution to a big family dinner last Sunday. It always goes down well do it's a safe bet :)

Spring has finally sprung in Scotland! It has been absolutely beautiful for the past week or so. Long may it continue!