Mon 02/02/15
How far along? 5+5
Total weight gain: I actually lost two pounds last week despite being such a hungry hippo and I'm now 8st 13lbs. Just shows you have to listen to your body as the energy is obviously being put to use!
Maternity clothes? No, but still mega bloated in the tummy region.
Stretch marks? None
Sleep: Can't get enough of it! Feeling completely and utterly exhausted constantly.
Best moment this week: Having my boyfriend back to run about after me after a stag weekend away ;)
Worst moment this week: Probably managing the hunger and tiredness at work as I'm constantly on my feet running about.
Miss anything? Still runny eggs. Smoked salmon now too.
Movement: None
Food cravings: Lots of savoury carbs still.
Anything making you queasy or sick: The smell of raw meat. I have to walk past a butchers on the way to work every morning. Bolk! Having to take a deep breath and practically run past now.
Gender: Not known
Labor signs: None
Symptoms: Exhaustion, sore boobs and nipples, cramping, bloating, extreme hunger, getting up through the night to pee which I never used to do, very low blood pressure (measured recently by the Dr).
Belly button in or out? In and hoping it stays that way as long as possible.
Happy or moody most of the time? Happy until it gets close to bedtime then you'd better watch out!
Looking forward to: My booking appointment at 8 weeks to get the ball rolling with antenatal care.
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