Friday, 3 April 2015

Bumpkin: Week 9 Update

Sunday 01/03/15
How far along? 9+4

Total weight gain: No gain or loss this week, keeping me at 8st 13lbs.

Maternity clothes?  Still none, although one particular pair of jeans have to be worn unbuttoned. This is making them fall down though when I walk so think I'll just put them into retirement and make-do with my others for now. Will definitely need some new bras soon too.

Stretch marks?  None but I really must make a point of applying bump butter now it's starting to form. It's just been so cold lately that the thought of slathering myself in cream after a shower is not appealing in the slightest. Must man up!

Sleep:  Still the same. I had a wonder 15hr sleep on Friday and was in my bed less than 12 hours later last night :p my poor boyfriend must be so bored at the moment spending all his evenings alone!

Best moment this week:  Being reassured that Bumpkin is ok after a scare (see below)

Worst moment this week:  At 8+6 on Tuesday, I went to the bathroom and found that I was bleeding. I don't know if it's because I obviously haven't bled in a few months so I've forgotten what it's like, but it seemed as if there was A LOT. I've never been more scared in my life and went into complete panic. I was getting ready at that point for my booking appointment with the midwife so raced along to that. By that point the bleeding had completely stopped, and I hadn't experienced any pain or cramping whatsoever the whole day, but I was referred to early pregnancy for a check the next day.

Tuesday night dragged on and on, and eventually we made our way to the hospital on Wednesday morning. After about an hour and ten million questions we finally went to the ultrasound department. Because I had seen the baby at our private scan on Sunday, I knew exactly where to look for the heartbeat and concentrated on that exact spot while the sonographer whizzed about trying to get the best view of the baby. I can't actually describe how I felt the moment I realised it's little heart was still flickering away, but it was as if I was suddenly ten tonnes lighter, all the worry I had been carrying around for the past day just up and left :)

It's a bit of a blur now, so I can't really remember what the sonographer said had caused the bleeding, but she could see that it was lower down in my uterus/birth canal, and nowhere near either the placenta or baby which are obviously the most important bits! I was warned I may experience some more bleeding, although everything seems fine so far *runs around touching all the wood in the living-room*. I've just been trying to rest and not allow myself to be stressed. I'm counting down the days until our 13-week ultrasound to make sure everything is ok again, and hoping that once I start to feel the baby move I might be more at ease and convinced everything is ok (who am I kidding eh?!)
Miss anything?  Not being worried all the time!

Movement:  None

Food cravings:  Nothing specific this week

Anything making you queasy or sick:  Eggs- all types and everything about them. I can't have them anywhere near me at the moment!

Gender:  Not known

Labour signs:  None

Symptoms:  Bump forming, sore boobs, bigger boobs, greasy hair and spotty skin (argh when will I glow?!), general nausea, hunger, thirst, up through the night for the toilet, having to sleep with a cushion under my belly for support.
Belly button in or out?  Still in

Happy or moody most of the time?  This week has been very up and down in terms of emotions. I started off feeling amazing after our private ultrasound, which then turned to panic and sadness after the bleeding, then relieved but drained after the hospital and has now settled into being pretty happy, but always with an undercurrent of worry that I'm trying to keep at the back of my mind.
Looking forward to: My booking appointment which has been rearranged for tomorrow. Anything which signals progress!

Bumpkin this week:

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