How far along? 35+4
Total weight gain: Just over two stone so far
Maternity clothes? Thankfully I haven't needed any for the past week or so thanks to the lovely weather we've been having. Maxi dresses and sandals are so much more comfortable than wrestling a pair of jeans on! Long may it continue!
Stretch marks? Oh about a million! I'm past caring now.
Sleep: No problems :) I'm up a couple of times each night but have been managing to fall back to sleep really quickly afterwards.
Best moment this week: Getting the pram delivered!(We went for the Quinny Buzz Xplory). I can't wait to set it up and practice pushing it around the house :p I promised to wait for D to finish work so we could do it together though and I'm feeling mightily impatient!
Worst moment this week: I can't say I've really had any this week. I did stupidly take on an extra shift for tomorrow though so probably the thought of having to get up early and drag myself off to work!
Miss anything? Prawns, runny eggs, being able to bend down easily, actually feeling awake after 10hrs sleep and being able to walk further than the length of the driveway without being breathless!
Movement: Yep, and beginning to get quite sore at times. She's a strong'un!
Food cravings: Carbs, sweets and cake. Oops!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Acid reflux and light-headedness
Gender: A girly!!! :D
Labour signs: A few little niggles over the past couple of days and pressure in my pelvis but I'm trying (and failing) not to second guess everything.
Symptoms: Movement, pain in pelvis, acid reflux, boobs starting to get sore again, boobs leaking, breathlessness, fatigue.
Belly button in or out? Half and half and extremely itchy!
Happy or moody most of the time? Happy :)
Looking forward to: Setting up the pram! And my McDonalds dinner... shhh!