Last Wednesday Ava turned three months old. It's crazy to think that a quarter of a year has gone by so fast. We had an amazing first Christmas with our little munchkin, who was extremely spoiled! Luckily people were sensible and bought lots of toys which she will grow into. This should save us money throughout the year which is fab, although the attic is a complete state at the moment with everything crammed up there.
At twelve weeks old Ava weighed 13lb 4oz, and is continuing just below the 75th centile. We have just upped her milk to 7oz per feed, and she's currently taking between 6.5 and 7oz every three hours. We have also implemented a bedtime routine, and more often than not she is sleeping through the night. Generally she sleeps from 9pm-7am and I am absolutely loving it! We decided that when D went back to work after Christmas we would start trying to get her down earlier at night as we're both morning people and were finding staying up until midnight every night tough so we've been a bit stricter with her napping in the early evening and luckily she has fallen into the routine perfectly. She is better with sleeping through the day too, and tends to have an hour nap after her morning bottle, two hours late morning and two-three hours late afternoon/early evening.
We had her second lot of injections this week, and while they were still horrible they went much better than the first. She had stopped crying before I even got her dressed and was even giving the nurse smiles on the way out! Again, she had no side-effects and didn't seem too bothered at all.
Munchkin is still a little smiler and will readily give them out to anyone! She still loves being sat and held up straight to look around and has started spending some time in her Bumbo which Santa brought her. At the moment I'm only allowing her to have 5-10min in it as I think she's still a bit small but she loves it, and much prefers it to her bouncer. She has always had excellent head control, but can now properly hold it up, and is very nearly sitting up properly. Her little legs are like steel and she loves standing up. She has also started to kick off your lap too which I'm not enjoying as I'm terrified she's going to spring right off! As always, she enjoys lying on her changing mat, and has now started to try and roll. It looks mighty uncomfortable to me but obviously doesn't bother her and I don't think it will be long before she's properly over. She has really found her voice in the last couple of weeks and babbles constantly, even in her sleep!
Unfortunately Ava has started to become really clingy towards me. It has only been in the past couple of days, but I really hope she snaps out of it soon. She screams if anyone apart from me or her Daddy hold her, and will only allow me to settle her for bed. She sees other people every day and I've left her with my parents or D's parents a couple of times and she has always been absolutely fine so I don't understand her wariness with people she knows all of a sudden. If anyone has any tips on how to deal with this then please let me know.
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