Saturday, 2 July 2016

Ava's 4 Month Update

Tomorrow our little munchkin will be four months! I remember it feeling like an eternity to reach four months pregnant, yet this last four have just whizzed by! She is getting so big now, looking at her newborn pictures make me so emotional!

I haven't managed to have her weighed this month as the clinic was on right after her injections and she just wanted to sleep, but I did a quick estimate with our scales at home and I reckon she's around 14lb 1oz, keeping her on the 75th centile. We have moved up to size 3 nappies this month, and she is comfortably fitting her 3-6month clothing.
Feeding wise, we are now on a 4hr schedule. I was finding she wasn't properly ready after 3hrs and was wasting a lot of milk, so we started leaving her a bit longer and she's now draining 7oz at a time. We also switched to the stage 3 teats as she seemed frustrated while feeding and would lose interest quickly and these seem to have done the trick nicely.
In the past few weeks Ava has become much better at napping through the day, and we now have a bit of routine going which allows me to get on with some things. The house is looking marginally better on a day-to-day basis! Usually she will sleep for 45mins at 9.30am, an hour at 11.30am and two hours at 3pm, although I do wake her from the last nap so she's ready for bed. The 4 month sleep regression has hit us at night unfortunately, and she will very rarely sleep through now, but can only stay awake long enough for a couple of ounces of milk. We've had a few awful nights where she's been up four or five times and will only sleep in my arms. Of course, she only does this through the week when it's always Mummy's job to get up! I think her teeth are contributing to this, so I'm going to try an amber teething anklet on her and see how we get on.
She seems to have moved past her clingy phase thankfully, and will quite happily be held by anyone although she does still look to make sure I'm there. She has become really cheeky in the past month and has learnt to blow raspberries and takes her dummy out to throw it away when she doesn't fancy going for a nap! She is also squealing and shouting to get her point across! She is very close to sitting up unaided and rolling from back to front. She has let out a couple of sniggers lately, but we are still waiting eagerly for a proper giggle!
She's definitely fallen out of love with her playmat and I can only manage to get her on it for five minutes at a time so I think that will be packed away soon although she is obsessed with her Jumperoo! We now put her in that at dinner-time and can actually eat together. She has also become more co-ordinated with her toys and will grab them and bring them to her mouth.
This month will be a big one for her: she is off to her first sleepover at Gran's while we go to a wedding. I'm dreading it already, although I know it'll be good for both Ava and us. We are also going to start swimming with her next week and I have her booked on to a few baby groups to cure her mid-morning boredom.

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