Saturday, 2 July 2016

Ava's 5 Month Update

March 2016
Five months old. How is that even possible?! I swear it was only yesterday I was five months pregnant!

Ava turned five months old on the 13th March, and at 20 weeks (2nd March) she weighed 15lb 7oz, placing her in between the 50th and 75th centile. She is still wearing her 3-6month clothing, although I think we'll have to move her up to the next size soon, especially in leggings. She clearly doesn't take after her mummy with her long legs!

Milk-wise, we are offering five 7oz bottles in the day although she seems to have gone off milk completely and each feed is a real battle. She was ill at the beginning of March, so I'm unsure whether it's due to that, or if she's looking for something else. For that reason I'm thinking of starting to wean her a teeny bit early because I just feel like she's hungry but not being satisfied by milk. Sleeping is just the same as the last couple of months- down at 9pm and up around 3ish for a bottle and then straight back down again with naps roughly every 2hrs after waking throughout the day.

As I mentioned, we had our first proper bout of illness and it was bloody awful. Poor little miss had an ear infection at 20 weeks and ended up on antibiotics. These quickly cleared it up but the first couple of days when she was in pain, lethargic, not eating and sleeping constantly were such a worry- especially as we didn't know what it was and if it was something more serious. Thankfully she's right as rain now and we'll be able to recognise the symptoms right away if it ever occurs again.

Developmentally she is working hard at sitting and rolling, although hasn't quite mastered either yet! She is raring to have some more freedom though and gets so frustrated if she's left lying on the floor or playmat for longer than two minutes!

What were your little ones up to at five months?

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