Wednesday, 13 July 2016

Ava's 9 Month Update

And just like that my baby has reached nine months old! This past month has been a huge one in terms of development, and we have seen a lot of changes in Ava. I'm still not sure of her weight as our clinic is only on once a month for two hours and I keep having things on that day.We are still using size 4 nappies and they're fine through the day but I might need to switch her to size 5s for night-time as she has woken up damp a couple of times in the past week. The majority of her clothing is now 9-12 months, although she can still get away with a couple of smaller items, especially tops and jackets.
This month we've both had another cold and Ava suffered with a particularly bad cough, which kept making her sick so we had a fair few unsettled nights and lazy couch days but she has bounced back perfectly now.

Ava's eating has come on leaps and bounds and she is now confident with lumps and finger foods (at last!). We are doing a mixture of spoon feeding and finger foods at each meal now, as she wouldn't eat enough on her own to feel full but I'm quite happy with that. She has dropped her 2pm bottle in the past couple of weeks, so now has 7oz upon waking in the morning, 7oz at bedtime and a dream feed at 10.30pm of around 4oz. I was a bit worried about her lack of milk but her friend seems to have dropped his afternoon feed as well so maybe this is what they're meant to do? In any case she has dairy throughout the day in the form of cheese, yoghurt and milk in cooking so I think she's doing just fine. She seems perfectly happy without it anyway, and still goes down for her nap no bother- phew!
Speaking of naps, we are now down to two a day but they are so much longer than before, which is blissful! Ava will now nap from around 9-10.30am and 2-4pm, whereas before she would only go down for a half hour at a time. Night-time has been a bit up in the air recently, as she has now moved into her own room and her big cot! It's taking a bit longer to settle her in the evening because of this, but once she's down she sleeps as normal until about 6am. Because of the late nights, she's still been pretty tired at 6am but refuses to sleep any longer, so we've had a few highly strung mornings recently! Hopefully she'll get used to her new surroundings and start to settle quicker soon.
Developmentally, we've had lots of firsts this month! These include cruising, being able to get up and back down easily (before she'd stand up but be stuck like that), walking with the aid of her walker, giving spontaneous kisses, saying 'Mama' and 'hiya,' clapping and climbing the stairs! Watching her develop and learn so much has been amazing, but extra tiring because we are having to chase her constantly. It's so much fun though, and I can't wait to see what she gets up to over the next month.

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