Wednesday, 6 July 2016

Ava's 7 Month Update

After months of effort we have finally mastered rolling! Ava first rolled from back to front on the 26th April and hasn't stopped since! Nappy changes have become very tricky indeed! She can now roll and get herself up on her knees ready to crawl, but hasn't quite worked out how to move haha. She is sitting very confidently, and never spends any time on her back. Sadly she has started to outgrow her jumperoo as she hates being contained in any one place. The jumperoo was our trick to allow us to have dinner in peace, so we'll have to think of a new tactic fast!

I haven't had Ava weighed recently, but I can see she's putting on weight so I'm happy with that. She is still comfortably wearing 6-9 month clothing and size 4 nappies. She is now only having 3 bottles during the day (7oz) and a dream feed when we go up to bed of a couple of ounces.

Weaning is going fabulously and she absolutely loves her food! I don't know what I was so worried about! Ava is now on three meals a day as well as two snacks, and we're doing a mixture of mashed food and baby-led weaning. Now she's nearly seven months we have introduced meat and dairy to her diet and she loves both. Favourite meals at the moment include cauliflower cheese, salmon and broccoli risotto, spaghetti bolognese and lamb hotpot. At first, I made all of her food from scratch, but as her palate has become more accustomed to complicated flavours we have started to introduce some jars and pouches to allow her to try out new flavour combinations.

Ava is still going to bed at 7pm, but has started waking earlier due to the light mornings and we've had a couple of 5am starts. These don't benefit anyone though as we're all still tired so we have bought a Gro-blind in a bid to get her to sleep a wee bit longer. We had planned to move her into her own room in April during my OHs week off work but I couldn't bear to part with her! She hasn't outgrown her Snuzpod yet, so I'm just going to keep her in that for as long as possible and then move her. I don't want to leave it so long that it will cause problems, but at the same time I don't want to let her go!

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